Il y a quelques semaines, Princess Nokia a sorti une réédition de son album 1992, sorti l’an dernier. 8 nouveaux titres et un clip « Flava » font partie de ce bonus !
Dialna a choisi ce morceau pour le son du lundi, surtout pour le magnifique discours d’acceptation de soi, d’empowerment des femmes que nous livre la rappeuse en début de vidéo.
Mesdames, vous êtes belles quoi qu’on vous dise, vous êtes fortes, votre vie a de l’importance, votre vécu est pertinent.
On vous laisse avec le texte du discours en anglais, et bien sûr la vidéo.
« You don’t know what it is to be me, and I don’t know what it is to be you. That is because we are made different from each other. But all girls are meant to shine, all girls are meant to be something special in this world, even when they thought they not supposed to be.
Who taught you how to hate yourself? How did they get this far? Everything about you is magnificent, but you don’t even know it. So let me tell you then. The texture of your hair, when you walk down the street, these stretch marks and cheap shoes. Do you know how many people wants to be you? Try to look like you? Try to act like you? Spend million dollars tryin’ to be who you are?
The color of your skin, your hair and nails… Make their lips big like yours, make their skin dark like yours. First they make fun of you, and then they want to be you. You are not like everyone else, you have known pain. But you are different. They may paint a pretty picture of your lightness. But you are just as deservin’. In fact, you deserve even more. Your dreams deserves to be lived and your beauty deserves to be heard.
You are so much more than the girl who looks out the window. They may have things you do not have and lives that seem easy. But you will earn that because at the end of the day, you have something money could never buy. »