[Musique] Rilès : Marijuana

dialna - Rilès

Après une longue absence, le jeune rappeur rouennais, Rilès revient avec un avant-goût de son premier à album à paraître, avec le titre Marijuana.

Un retour définitivement plus soul, où la voix de crooner de Rilès est sublimée par ce morceau où son obsession pour l’herbe lui rend la vie impossible. Dans le superbe clip co-réalisé par lui et Giovanna Gorassini, on voit Rilès combattre ses démons intérieurs, et rejouer la Création d’Adam de Michelangelo, version weed. Le bonus du clip ? La présence de Snoop Dog himself qui met en garde Rilès et le public des méfaits de la fuite par la fumette : «  Ne sois pas distrait. Le plaisir n’est pas le bonheur. Arrête de fuir les réalités ». Iconic

Dans un récent post Instagram Rilès raconte les difficultés de tournage pour ce clip épique. Dépassement de budget, problèmes de santé, rien n’a été épargné à l’équipe du jeune rappeur.


Voir cette publication sur Instagram


Here’s some of the stuff you might not know about the ‘Marijuana’ video: this whole music video took us 3 months to prepare. I payed the entirety of the video and I lost +80k $ on this one aside from the real budget; we tried many different places where to shoot the scene with the reflective outfit. We first tried Bolivia, at the Laguna Colorada, the lake was supposed to be pink, but it wasn’t. I got severely sick before landing to Bolivia, and the place of shooting was 5hr far from our hotel at 13000 ft above sea level. The team and I struggled to breathe normally and the temperature was minus 5 degrees, the whole set was a complete pain in the ass.. it was one of the worst video shoot I’ve ever done as we were not prepared for it. The camera we took with us was way too big and expensive for our needs and the reflective outfit wasn’t working with the light we had. This first journey lasted 5 days. I was not satisfied with the whole shoot, so I decided to try again and pay for a studio shoot with the reflective outfit. Same thing, the set was not exactly as I expected, and the final result was not satisfying. I had already lost way too much, and the scene with the reflective outfit was still missing.. In a last desperate attempt, I called @victorlbd and told him that we’d need to try to shoot this last scene with my iPhone, the old school way, no useless crew, no lights, no big budget, just us. And it worked. Music videos are the most tiring and stressing stuff in this music shit, even more when you want to direct all of them, I lost time, energy and a lot of money but I’m persuaded that one day all those sacrifices will pay off. I try to get better at each music video I make. It started with ‘Nowadays’ back in 2015 and the last one was ‘Marijuana’. I want my vision to be transcribed throughout my videos and I know I still have a long way to go. Just want y’all to know that if I’m not in the studio, I’m behind the camera (or the computer, I still edit my videos), and most of the time it’s taking a lot of time. Thank y’all for your feedback on ‘Marijuana’. I’m already onto the next one.

Une publication partagée par Rilès (@0riles) le

Rilès a récemment signé dans un grand label international, Republic Records, et son premier album est annoncé pour cette année. On croise les doigts.

Bonne semaine à toutes et tous !

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1 commentaire

  1. […] Le rappeur rouennais Rilès continue sa conquête du monde et vient de finir son premier album qui sortira sur un label américain. En prévision de cette sortie, que l’on attend toutes et tous, il vient de sortir Marijuana, accompagné d’un clip surréaliste avec en guest Snoop Dog, himself. Un son du lundi qui détend tout naturellement. […]

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